How to overcome the fear of death?

Introduction: Most of us are ‘not’ living, but in fact, we are dying on a daily basis. This is true in both the Physical and Psychological sense. In a physical sense, we die daily because thousands of cells die daily. Apart from this physical aspect, another effect of aging is psychological. The most primary in this aspect is the ‘Fear […]

How Caffeine Can Affect Your Health

In a normal cup of coffee there is around 170mg of caffeine and in decaffeinated coffee there is around 30/40mg of caffeine. On the stock market, coffee is a $90 billion industry, but what is significant is that in North America alone, more than 85% drink 3-5 cups of coffee per day. A large number of people are at risk […]

Do you need to refinance your home loan?

The number of people who refinance their home loans has increased steadily in recent decades. With interest rates at an all-time low and better competitive deals on offer, more customers are looking to refinance their home loan to secure: >> A lower interest rate >> Save money by lowering your loan payments >> A more flexible home loan product offering […]

Avocado and the candida diet

Commonly treated as a vegetable, avocados are actually a tropical fruit, believed to have originated in Central and South America. Avocados are pear-shaped, with green or brown skin that can be smooth or rough. The inside of an avocado contains a yellowish slimy pulp that is often described as rich and buttery. Most people first come across avocados in guacamole, […]