Low Carb Diet Expert

For a long time, people thought that dietary fat intake was the cause of body fat stores; ‘eating too much fat makes me fat’ However, this is actually not true. You will discover very quickly that reducing dietary fat will hardly make any difference to your weight or body fat percentage. When you start to manipulate carbohydrates is when you […]

The rule book for increasing volume

Getting fat can be a slow and challenging process, and in my opinion, it is even more difficult than losing weight. Getting a cat (aka weight gain) through a bulking phase means eating a LOT of food, all the time. I’ve compiled a list of tips to help you bulk up effectively and gain as much muscle as possible without […]

Exercise program for beginners to lose weight

Losing weight can be a daunting task. Where do you start? Basically, you should burn more calories in a day than you consume. Therefore, a good diet is important, combined with a proper exercise program. I’ll walk you through the things to consider when starting a beginner exercise program for weight loss and explain the different types of exercises you […]

The 10 Healthiest Alkaline Diet Foods

Have you heard of alkaline diet foods? If not, it is about time you did. The pressure of work, housework, maintaining personal and professional relationships is affecting everyone’s eating habits, causing more than 70% of today’s generation to suffer from heartburn and heartburn. One in three people seem to be complaining of gastric problems, indigestion, and acid reflux. This is […]

How many carbohydrates a day should I eat?

It is becoming common knowledge that it is wise to limit the amount of carbohydrates we eat. However, it is difficult to determine which carbohydrates good and bad are good carbohydrates and how many carbohydrates per day we should consume. This article will provide significant information on carbohydrates in the diet and how to know how many carbohydrates we can […]

How long should you be on a diet?

When you start a diet, the goal is not to lose weight as quickly as possible and then stop. A diet should be a learning process for a healthy diet. The question then is: how long should you follow a diet? In this article we tell you how long you should follow a diet and when you should stop doing […]

The risks of eating too much pepper

People who love freshly ground black pepper shouldn’t panic when they read this article. Black pepper taken in moderation has mainly positive effects on our body, as it provides the trace minerals chromium and vanadium. Vanadium is being investigated because it might be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes, as it can lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin […]

Not suitable to fit the body

Nobody in the whole world wants to live with an inadequate body. All other human beings strive and work day and night for better health and a better life. Therefore, when achieving the goal of a perfect body is such a difficult task in today’s environment, this particular article will help you get your body shape of choice while at […]

How to recover after a skate session

If you are like me, you love to skate. A two to three hour session at your local park is not uncommon and makes you feel amazing. People skate for all kinds of reasons, but it goes without saying that the health benefits you can get from skateboarding are like feeling amazing after exercise, and the challenge and rewards available […]