Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Part II – Sankhya Yoga

Q: What does this mean when you say, ‘How to think is more important than’ what to think ‘? Answer: Our mind is nothing more than a constant stream of thoughts, all day and all of life. It is vital to manage the thoughts and direct the mind. Negative thinking encourages negative relationships, words and actions, discourages objectivity leading to […]

David and Goliath: A Christian Biblical Poem

The Philistines had arrived. The Isrealites were scared. To move or be brave, no one even dared. A giant named Goliath was waiting for a fight. No one came out of there, considering their height. There was a boy named David, who played the harp for Saul. He was very young now, but he gave everything to the Lord. He […]

4 ways to increase your natural testosterone levels

When it comes to hormones, testosterone is considered the king of hormones. In men, testosterone is produced mainly in the testes. In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries, although in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in the body begins to increase significantly in the late teens and begins to decline after age 30. Testosterone is the main sex hormone […]

Anime that shook the world

Anime and Manga began humbly as a Japanese imitation of the American comic strips, thus becoming the books we know as Manga. Soon enough, technology evolved, anime followed, evolving from short graphic novels to serialized TV shows, movies, games, and music. As anime became popular in the rest of the world, people began to notice a little more about this […]

Playstation vs. Xbox 360

Games have always been an integral part of man’s childhood. It started with sticks and stones and eventually evolved into powerful mind-stimulating games that could be played indoors. Not all children are physically capable of playing all kinds of outdoor games that they fantasize about. With imagination comes invention and with that the birth of video games, where one can […]

Understanding VoIP phone service

Understanding VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a comprehensive identification for a family of communication technologies used for the transmission of voice or data communications when routed over IP networks such as the Internet or independent packet-switched data networks. The shared terms associated with VoIP can be recognized as: IP telephony, voice over broadband, broadband telephone, Internet telephony, or […]

Richard Shelton’s Bus to Veracruz – Analysis

The Bus to Veracruz is an educational short story and guide written by Richard Shelton. This story revolves around the realities of human life; His birth, his will to live a life. The author Richard Shelton in his short story The Bus to Veracruz suggests that a person arrives in this life without knowing it and has difficulty adjusting to […]

Family Budget: Payday Loan Repayment Support

Does your household budget support your monthly finances or do you find that sometimes there is simply “too much month for your money”? Seeking the help of a payday loan to get a little extra money to get you through the month is not a bad thing unless your budget doesn’t allow it to be repaid. Sometimes it can be […]