Recognizing Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Cocaine is a very addictive drug and with that comes the need to recognize cocaine withdrawal symptoms in order to avoid further addiction. Withdrawal from cocaine is similar to any other addiction, and can be handled by regular therapy and support groups. Withdrawal from cocaine use can range from mild effects to extremely severe ones depending on how much cocaine has been used and how often the drug is used. Cocaine users who use the drug heavily may suffer from cocaine withdrawal symptoms for several weeks after their last use. If you suspect that you are dealing with cocaine withdrawal symptoms, you should seek help from your local treatment center or medical doctor as soon as possible.

Cocaine users will experience many different cocaine withdrawal symptoms. The severity of these symptoms is relative to how long the substance has been used and how much of the drug was used in the process. Withdrawal symptoms do begin shortly after the cocaine hit the bloodstream. Withdrawal from cocaine generally takes place only for a short period of time, but those who have used cocaine habitually may have symptoms for several weeks.

Many cocaine users will experience the same withdrawal symptoms no matter which route they take to get help for their addiction. Cocaine addiction is a disease like any other addiction, and recovery from it requires dedication and patience. This is why support groups are so important when dealing with any addiction, and this includes cocaine addiction. These groups can offer information and help to patients who are beginning to withdrawal from their addiction. By knowing about withdrawal and what to expect, recovering addicts can make the most of their treatment and completely recover from their cocaine addiction.

Recognizing Cocaine

It is also important to understand that cocaine withdrawal symptoms are not just feelings created in the brain. These symptoms are actually physical changes that occur in different parts of the body. Some of these common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include tremors, anxiety, nausea, and chills. Each of these symptoms lasts for a different amount of time. The duration of these symptoms can range from several days to several weeks.

Like any addiction, cocaine withdrawal is a serious matter. If left untreated, it can lead to physical health complications including heart failure and high blood pressure. When cocaine users begin to notice some of these symptoms, they should seek help from a professional addiction specialist. While there are many over-the-counter treatments available, many of them have little to no effect, and in some cases, may even cause further problems.

Over-the-counter medications such as cough syrup, antihistamines, and decongestants can help to alleviate some of the discomfort from the cocaine withdrawal symptoms. They can also alleviate the craving, the user has for the drug. In order to relieve these symptoms without becoming dependent on them, users should experiment with certain lifestyle changes. It might be helpful to eliminate soft drinks from the diet or change the exercise regimen.

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