5 ways to start the day with a bang

We’ve all woken up to the sound of our alarm snapping us out of a comfortable sleep and groaned at the prospect of getting out of bed. Once that initial feeling of tiredness passes, we must motivate ourselves to make the most of each day. Here are five ways you can set yourself up for a productive and successful day. […]

Penis Enlargement – How Big Is Big?

The importance of penis size is something that most men have considered. Men who feel like they don’t measure up worry a lot more than many women realize. Their minds are filled with anxious imaginings of the women they sleep with laughing about the next day with their girlfriends. On the other hand, those men with eight inches or more […]

Horse Toys – Equine Entertainment For Less!

Horse toys can keep your horse busy and happy when he is at his stall. Left alone, horses can become bored and anxious, often leading to destructive behaviors and habits. But before you spend a lot of money on horse toys, try some of these inexpensive alternatives. Raid The Recycling Bin: Your recycling bin is a rich source of potential […]

Bad Beats / Lucky Wins

As sports bettors, we all seem to remember our “losing streaks” while taking our “lucky wins” for granted. One must remember that for every person who suffers a bad blow, someone else is celebrating a lucky victory. You often hear a bettor talk about having the “right side” or the “wrong side” of a game. After more than two decades […]