Arts Entertainments

Learn to know if she’s playing hard to get

The dating game is like a chess game … make your move

A woman plays hard for it because she wants to present herself as a challenge … someone who is almost unattainable. Women believe that this is the best way to attract the man of their dreams. However, there are times when a girl is not trying to get it; you’re actually saying to a man, “I’m sorry, but no thanks.” Many men get frustrated at guessing whether a woman really likes them or not, so they just assume that every woman in the world is trying hard to get it. This is simply not the case. You must learn to know whether or not she is trying hard to achieve it or you will set yourself up for a major disappointment.

Why do women always seem to play hard to get it?

You’ve probably heard many women say that they actually hate men (for one reason or another). Women don’t trust us, so they go out of their way to protect themselves from being used and hurt. Also, they don’t want to be seen as an easy score, so they are content to make men chase them for a while … making them “earn it” so to speak. Before she decides to go a step further, she wants to be sure that the guy really likes him and that he’s not in it just for cheap thrills. Playing hard to get it is kind of like the selection process.

The fact is, playing hard to get it really works for most women. Not to mention the fact that men love to hunt “more desirable and hard-to-get” prey that seems out of reach most of the time. The unfortunate thing for us men is that sometimes we cannot distinguish between a woman who is playing tough and a woman who really wants nothing to do with us.

“So … are you playing hard to get it or not?”

The last thing you want to do is chase after a girl who wants nothing to do with you. So how can you tell if he really likes you? One of the first things to do is watch their body language. No matter what you say, your body never lies … especially your eyes. That is why it is important that you know how to read and interpret their many body languages.

Doesn’t return your phone calls

Ok, you did the impossible and got his number. That’s it, right? No. This is just the beginning. Women have only started playing the game at this stage. So when you make a call and receive their answering machine / voicemail, don’t beat yourself up just yet. What you want to do is leave a message reminding her where you met her and leave your phone number too, that’s all. If he likes you, he will definitely get back to you as soon as he thinks the right amount of time has passed (remember, if he’s playing hard to get it, he won’t call you back right away). That being said, if you call her a few times and leave your number, give her some time to call you back. However, if you don’t hear from her after a week, go ahead.

Please remember, when you call, you can’t seem desperate and call her 5-10 times a day in hopes of reaching her. When you act desperate, women will want to stay away from you. While women love attention, they hate men who seem to be obsessive jerks.

Another thing to remember when leaving a message is to never act like she’s too good for you. If you do, she might start to believe it and never call you back.

He should also be seen as an extremely busy person, someone who also has a lot in his life and who will not wait forever for a woman to call him back. She knows that if she doesn’t call you soon, chances are you’ll move on faster than the obsessed guy with absolutely no lives. Knowing this, he won’t play hard to get it for too long … it’s too risky, unless of course he doesn’t like you.

Sorry, I can’t hang out; I will be too busy

If you get her number and she answers when you call, you need to pay attention to what she says. If she responds to your proposals (dates) with “sorry, I’m going to be busy” repeatedly, then you can bet that you will never be with that girl. She’s not playing hard to get it in this particular setting. If a woman can’t even have time for a date, then she’s not interested. Maybe he gave you his number to be nice and didn’t want to embarrass you by rejecting you.

On the other hand, if she says no initially and then says things like “I may be busy this week, but why don’t you call me back? Or better yet … I can call you to let you know when I have some free time in my schedule. I’m sure we can figure something out. ” This sounds more like a woman who is struggling to achieve. She is just turning you over.

Last words …

Because women are often on the receiving end of pickups, it’s easier for them to sit back and let the men chase. In reality, women have become incredibly competent when striving for them. Even if you read the situation perfectly and are 99.99% sure he likes you, he can still shoot you like a duck hunter. Playing hard to get there can confuse even the most seasoned veteran. Knowing this, it is important that you find ways to tell whether or not she is trying hard to get there.

There are literally hundreds of examples that I can give you. The bottom line is this … the dating game is constantly changing and if they don’t keep up with you, you will be left behind. The best advice I have for you is to try to interpret his body language to see if he is playing hard to catch you or if he is really rejecting you.

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