
Home remedies for angular cheilitis readily available

Do you have red and chapped lips? Do you have cracks in the corners of your mouth? Does this condition recur frequently, even when the weather is not cold? Then you may be one of many people who suffer from a condition called angular cheilitis. Cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth that heal and break frequently characterize this condition. Most of us tend to ignore these symptoms entirely, attributing it to cold weather or applying cosmetics to alleviate dryness. Although the cause of this infection has not been clearly understood, it is possible to alleviate this painful condition by using home remedies for angular cheilitis.

There are several home remedies for angular cheilitis available; many of them use ingredients that can be found in any home.

Remedy n. 1: For this, you will need an eggplant and a cup of apple cider vinegar. Dice the aubergine and place it on a plate. Add the apple cider vinegar. Cover with a transparent wrap. You should let the eggplant soak in the vinegar for about a week. You can filter the eggplant and use the liquid as a topical solution on your lips. Use it whenever necessary and you will see the infection clearing up in no time. This could be one of the most effective home remedies for angular cheilitis available.

Tip: Do not refrigerate the eggplant and vinegar mixture. It can be left at room temperature.

Remedy n. 2: The appearance of angular cheilitis has often been attributed to poor nutrition and specifically linked to a deficiency of iron, zinc and vitamin B12. You can make sure to include foods rich in these supplements in your diet. You can also take over-the-counter B12 supplements if you are not sure what foods contain them. Zinc and iron are generally found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. This is probably the most holistic of the home remedies for angular cheilitis.

Tip: Make sure to avoid yeast foods as this can aggravate your condition through infection of the chapped lips.

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